The Best Time to Start My CPP and OAS (LIVE)

A unique course designed to guide you to making the best decision for you as when to start your Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security benefits.

This course is not designed to make you a financial planner. In a time-efficient manner, it will provide you with the tools, knowledge, and guidance that you need to make a decision that is best for you.

When it comes to the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security and retirement income planning, instructors Doug Runchey and Dave Field have the expertise to guide you to determining your best time to start your CPP and OAS.

10 Lessons



Not started

COVID-19 Emergency Personal Finance

This entire coronavirus situation is overwhelming. It causes us to feel like we have absolutely no control. It is stressful.

The only way to reduce stress and feel like you can get through it is to gain control over what you can. And that includes getting control of some of your finances.

This course is for you if you are in a financial emergency now because of the coronavirus. The aim is to help organize your personal finances and create a strategy to help you get through this difficult time. This will one day end and this course is designed to help you get to that day in the best possible financial shape. 

This course is a work in progress. Everything is changing daily and will be updated as possible. The focus is to help you in a timely manner instead of delaying to create the perfect course.

This course is free and decided to help you during this difficult time.

12 Lessons



Not started